
In the Spotlight: Thema Featured in Sifted

We are delighted to share that Thema has been featured in a recent Sifted article, highlighting our mission to support first-time VC fund managers with cornerstone funding and regulatory assistance.

Building Foundations for Future Success

Sifted's coverage underscores our commitment to backing first-time funds with investments of up to £5 million each year. Our cofounder, Sam Ettelaie, emphasised that we are ready to be the very first cheque into a fund, providing much-needed support for those embarking on their venture capital journey. Unlike many other funds, we are not deterred by untested managers, recognising their potential and drive.

Bridging the Gap for Underrepresented Talent

Our goal is not only to provide financial support but also to promote diversity within the venture capital industry. With backing from a prominent Western European family office, we are particularly focused on empowering individuals who are underrepresented in the ranks of VC, ensuring they have the opportunity to lead and innovate.

Innovative and Flexible Investment Strategies

In return for our investment, Thema takes a 15-20% stake in the VC management company, allowing GPs the flexibility to buy us out under pre-agreed terms. This structure provides emerging managers the freedom to grow and succeed on their terms. We believe in the potential of first-time managers, often citing their "hunger" and agility as key drivers for their superior performance compared to established funds.

Supporting Emerging Managers with Comprehensive Services

Our commitment goes beyond financial investment. We offer support with back-office costs and provide free or subsidised office space. One of our standout offerings is the flexible approach to the GP commitment, a significant financial barrier for many first-time managers. By allowing salary sacrifice (which could be lower than 0.5-1% in some cases) and reducing the required commitment percentage, we aim to create a more inclusive and accessible environment for new fund managers.

Looking Ahead

Despite current challenges in fundraising, we remain optimistic. As more people transition from startups and established VCs to launch their own funds, we anticipate a growing number of high-potential GPs seeking our support. By mid-2024, we expect family offices to renew their interest in emerging managers, reinforcing the vital role we play in this ecosystem.

We are proud to be recognised by Sifted for our innovative approach and unwavering support for emerging fund managers. As we continue to build on this momentum, we look forward to driving meaningful change and fostering a more diverse and dynamic venture capital landscape.

For more details, read the full Sifted article here.

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